Evacuation Alert Systems

We can design, install & maintain Evacuation Alert Systems for a range of residences

Evacuation Alert Systems

The tragedy of Grenfell, and many other tall building fires before it, serve as stark reminders that the unthinkable can happen.

Clear, efficient evacuation procedures form an important part of ensuring life safety, so any measures that can be put in place to support them must be wholeheartedly welcomed.

As such, the development and publication of BS 8629:2019 marks a critical turning point. It is hoped that the introduction of dedicated evacuation alert systems in residences over 18 metres will help guard against future loss of life. They will also give our fire and rescue service personnel a far better chance of achieving the successful outcomes they strive for.

We urge you to work with your local fire and rescue service to check if an evacuation alert system would be advisable in your property, and if this is a requirement please do not hesitate to get in contact with VTF&S.

Discover how we can help your business call 0800 043 1783 or email info@vtfs.co.uk

Evacuation Alert Systems

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Safe Contractor approved
BAFE ID 302425
Socotec ISO9001 logo
SSAIB Certified
CHAS Accredited Contractor - Advanced